We a very close to being done at this point. Give your dish garden a thorough watering. Water
should come out of the drainage holes if you have them. The water should get rid of the soil dumped on the top of
the plants from an earlier step. If you have trouble, carefully use a brush or stick to remove soil particles from the
plants. If you have any Western-themed decorations, this is the time to place them. I never thought that I'd use that
plastic lizard for anything! Other possibilities: wooden signposts to Western towns, cholla wood, ceramic cow skulls; you
get the picture.
A note about the plants: the pad-like cactus at the top of the photo is Consolea rubescens. Continuing in a clockwise direction,
the remaining plants are Espostoa lanata, Hamatocactus hamatacanthus, Notocactus ottonis, and Mammillaria dealbata.