Scientific Name: | Escobaria tuberculosa |
Synonyms: | Coryphantha tuberculosa |
Common Name: | Cob Cactus |
Other Names: | |
Etymology: | Coryphantha: Greek: koryphe (apex or top); anthos (flower) Escobaria: for Romulo and Numa Escobar, distinguished Mexican citizens Tuberculosa: tuberculum (small bump or swelling); -osus (plentiful) [Latin]
Origin: | Mexico USA (AZ) USA (NM) USA (TX)
Light: | Full sun. |
Soil: | Lean mix: 1 part potting soil to 2 parts coarse sand. |
Water: | Typical: Drench soil and let dry from Spring through Fall. Water sparingly during Winter dormancy period. |
Min Temperature: | 10F. |
Blooms: | Light Pink |
Comments: | Purchased Spring 2002 from Sunrise Nursery. |
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