Diseased Opuntia? Please help!
Posted By: Teacher Paul, Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
Posted On: 9/17/2015 9:47:00 PM
Hello. I am an American biology teacher in Thailand with several Opuntia plants with what looks like a disease. The cladodes have a thickened, waxy-scaly, WHITE-ish powder that may cover the whole cladode, thicker in some areas, and is pretty easily wiped off. When you wipe it off, the cladode is bright yellow underneath, and still in good condition (waxy and shiny). But why yellow? Is this substance preventing photosynthesis so the tissues turn yellow? I'm unsure of what I'm seeing... a disease? This doesn't seem to be an insect, but I have no microscope to view it. Any ideas? I have searched the net, but have yet to see any description nor pics that seem appropriate. Thank you!! Teacher Paul at: paullukens111@hotmail.com