
How To Construct a Cactus Dish Garden
Step 3 of 11 steps.

[Lining Bottom of Bowl with Gravel]

Prepare the shallow bowl by insuring that it will drain water well. It is best if your bowl has a few holes drilled in the bottom, but, this is not necessary. Line the bottom of the bowl with a 1/2 inch to 1 inch layer of pea gravel (Note: If your bowl lacks drainage holes a thicker pea gravel layer is needed to insure water drainage). This gravel layer serves two purposes: it insures that the soil mix doesn't come out the bottom of the bowl, and it acts as a water collector keeping the soil from becoming too waterlogged.

A word on bowls: Terra cotta bowls are ideal for cactus dish gardens, however, plastic bowls can be used just as well. If you are using plastic you will need to water your plants less often, especially if your pot does not have drainage holes. I am using a plastic bowl with four drainage holes for this cactus garden.

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